Details for the Zcash Transaction ID
- Confirmations
- 19398
- Time (UTC)
- 2025-02-26 01:42:19 (16 days ago)
- Tx Type
- Mixed
- Block Id
- 2834832
- Public Inputs / Outputs
- 7 / 1
- Shielded Inputs / Outputs
- 0 / 1
- JoinSplits ?
- No
- Transferred to shielded pool
- 244.70992588 ZEC
- Overwintered?
- true
- Size (bytes)
- 2113
- Version
- 5
- Locktime
- 0
- Transaction fee
- 0.00045 ZEC
- Raw TX
- Orchard Action transfers
- 0
Inputs (7)
1.0359 ZEC
30.0 ZEC
5.0 ZEC
14.3522402 ZEC
100.0 ZEC
50.0 ZEC
45.0 ZEC
Outputs (1)
0.67776432 ZEC